Research interests

Business Analysis

I currently work as business analyst in a little sofware house.

Knowledge Representation

I'm a legal ontology engineer: I study how to manage legal knowledge in order to make automated reasoning systems based on legal ontologies.

In Nomotika I manage the data-acquisition and knowledge-formalization phases using several tools, like Pròtègé and Menslegis.

Computer Science and Law

I'm partner of many IT&Law Researching Projects which are focused on:

  • Document standardization for national and European legislation;
  • Representation, classification and management of legal document (i.e. Acts and Case Law);
  • Metadata XML standardization for legal documents (i.e. Akoma Ntoso).

Open Data and Linked Data

In 2011 I won the "Master dei Talenti della Società Civile" (the regional funding program supported by Fondazione Giovanni Goria and Cassa di Risparmio di Torino for recent graduated) with iOpenLaw, an innovative web tool to share the "open" legal informations between lawyers.


Furthermore, in 2013 (with other three young researchers from University of Turin), I win the national Smart City and Communities and Social Innovation Prize with "Easy Town", a technology framework to improve the management of rules in urban areas through Legal Linked Open Data.